Hello everyone and welcome to my first guest blog and interview on my site. I’m currently waiting for the final development of my new site, and they’ll be a special launch party coming up soon!
Today, however, I have the lovely and amazing Carrie Ann Ryan visiting me to talk about her up and coming debut release!
Thanks so much for being here today Carrie. Tell me about your debut release?
Well first off, thank you so much for letting me stop by today!
My debut release is called An Alpha’s Path. It’s about finding your soul mate and the trials and tribulations that come from the fact that you can’t drop everything and walk off into the sunset right away. Oh and there are some smexy werewolves. But that’s just a given with me. Right? 🙂 Kade and Melanie have a lot to overcome until they can fine themselves together.
Melanie is a twenty-five year old chemist who has spent all of her adult life slaving at school. With her PhD in hand, she’s to start her dream job, but before she does, her friend persuades her to relax and try to live again. A blind date set up through her friends seems like the perfect solution. Melanie can take one night away from the lab and let her inner vixen out on a fixed blind date - a chance to get crazy with a perfect stranger. The gorgeous hunk she’s to meet exceeds her wildest dreams – be he is more than what he appears and Melanie’s analytical mind goes into overdrive.
Kade, a slightly older werewolf (at over one hundred years), needs a night way from the Pack. Too many responsibilities and one near miss with a potential mate made Kade hide in his work, the only peace he can find. His brother convinces him to meet the sexy woman for a one night of fun. What could it hurt? But when he finds this woman could be his mate, can he convince her to leave her orderly, sane world and be with him and his wolf-half, for life?
The excerpt from “An Alpha’s Path” follows after the interview!
This is part of a series right?
Yep! This is book 1 in the Redwood Pack series. The series will follow the Jamenson family and the mates that fate leaves for them. Also, coming up there is a whole new part of the world that will crack open their perspective on things and make their lives that more dramatic.
Why did you choose to write this type of book?
I’ve always loved the paranormal. I love reading and writing about something that doesn’t exist – as far as we know LOL – and building a whole new world from it. Oh, and I’m a huge romance fan. So of course I had to write about true love and all the sweaty goodness that comes with it. *wink*
What is your favourite part in the series so far?
So far? Kade’s reaction to Melanie. He’s an Alpha wolf – she’s a human. It was interesting to see how they interacted once they left the sheets. Because believe me – they reacted quite well between them. LOL
How many books are you planning? Do we have titles yet?
There are seven books in the series. (That I know of. If a side character comes up and needs their story done, then we’ll talk.)
So far this is what I have:
Book 2 is called A Taste for a Mate. This is Jasper’s story.
Book 3 is called Trinity Bound. This is Reed’s story.
I have some titles for the rest and I know which order each sibling gets their story told. But I’m not telling LOL. Let me have at least one secret. Okay? 🙂
Tell me about the moment you realised you wanted to write novels.
When I was trying to read another novel and Kade was in my head and didn’t shut up. I’d written a few other books before, but never with the intention of publication. So in other words – crap. LOL
But once Kade got a hold of me, I needed to write him down. Then I found Melanie and An Alpha’s Path was born.
If you’re a novelist by night what do you do by day?
By day? I’m not a superhero, sadly. *pouts* Nope, I’m a chemistry instructor. I love teaching and showing college freshman the ins and outs of chemistry. Most of them seem to hate it, but getting that gleam in their eye when the light bulb goes off and they finally get how to do a problem makes it all worth it.
Wow sounds like an amazing job.
Well thank you babe! I think so. I love it. Even when I complain about the amount of grading, or the fact that at 25, apparently I am old according to my students, I love what I do.
I recently met Carrie Ann, tell me about your favourite (or not so Favourite moment) of that weekend!
LOL. It was a fun trip. We did go shopping and had some amazing food and met that awesome taxi driver.
I could talk about the older man and his friend who kept asking us “which one of us was his?†and kept trying to hug us. (I still have nightmares)
Or I could talk about the time where we met the grand dame of the bar and met all the bartenders and where told what to drink and what to eat by someone who actually knew what they were talking about. *mmmm BBQ*
But no, I’m going to talk about our shopping trip LOL. See I have MS, so I can’t stand for ten hours of shopping. So I used a wheel chair to get around. This shopping center was NOT wheel chair friendly, so I can’t blame Angela – for most things. Like when she’d run me into walls, registers, clothes, or people.
But I can blame her when we needed to cross a crosswalk and she ran and pushed me until we hit the lip of the curve and I FLEW out of the seat and braced myself for impact! Oh, I caught myself and didn’t plummet face first to my doom. But the man’s expression in the truck stopped at the crosswalk will make me laugh forever.
The poor guy. But yes, my favourite part was when Angela THREW ME OUT OF A WHEELCHAIR! LOL. Love her.
 (Note from Angela: In my defense! I did not see the lip until it was too late, and it was pouring down freezing rain… but it was a brilliantly fun trip!)
Now for some off the wall questions. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
How about a Redwood? Considering that’s my Pack. And since I’m like 5’1†it’d be nice to be tall for once. Or a Ponderosa Pine, since they smell sweet.
What’s your favourite day of the year?
First day of Winter Vacation. Seriously. I get to clean my house since I hadn’t all semester, get ready for Christmas and Hanukah, and eat cookies. Yum.
In your own words, how do you describe yourself when you were Ten, Fifteen, Twenty, Twenty five, Thirty?
10 – Living in Portugal and Japan – a blonde girl who was too shy to speak to other kids – only adults. If you knew me now you’d scoff at the word “shyâ€
15 – Living in Texas – a blonde girl who was already in college and trying to make it on her own. But SO not shy LOL
20 – Living in Colorado – a blonde girl who was on her Master’s degree and living on her own downtown. Scary LOL. But secure in who she was.
25 – Living in PA – since this is my age I will say – married and have two kittens. Love it! Stressed over school and writing. But finally doing something that I love that isn’t math related.
30 – Hopefully living in CO – um, in five years I hope to be a mom. I know I know. But Hubby and I hope to have two kids by then and I hope to still be writing. And secure in myself. 🙂
If you had to have a pet what kind would it be? Or would it be one of your Redwood boys?
My Redwood boys aren’t pets! *scoff* I’d totally have them over for other reasons though LOL. (Sorry hubs)
I have two kittens – Miley Cyrus and Maxie Jonas. I named them after annoying things so we could always have a laugh LOL.
Anything else you would like to add before I bid you ado?
Other than the fact that I love you? LOL
An Alpha’s Path comes out Dec 5th. I’m super excited and super nervous about it. I hope you pick up a copy though. LOL
Thank you so much Carrie Ann Ryan for taking some time to stop by my blog. I hope to see you back soon.
Thanks so much for letting me come here!
Carrie Ann Ryan is a paranormal
and contemporary romance author. Her first book, An Alpha’s Path, is the first book in her Redwood Pack series. She’s also an avid reader and lover of romance and fiction novels. She love meeting new authors and new worlds. Any recommendations you have are appreciated. Carrie Ann lives in New England with her husband and two kittens.
Carrie Ann loves hearing from readers. You can find her at:
Website and Blog
Facebook Author Page
Facebook Friend
Twitter: @CarrieAnnRyan
Excerpt from “An Alpha’s path”
Kade could only imagine how she would look with her pale, creamy, skin against his darker, bronze skin. Watching her lashes brush her cheeks as she glanced down at her barely touched meal he knew he wanted to kiss any fears or anxiety she carried away.
Mate? I think it’s time to go upstairs. Don’t you?
He couldn’t agree more with his wolf. But he didn’t want to rush her. No matter what happened tonight, they would be going upstairs – that was a guarantee. What they did once they arrived however – was up to the woman in front of him.
“You look as if you have the same appetite as me.†At the sound of his voice, her head popped up from whatever deep thoughts she was thinking. “What do you say we take a walk around the property?â€
“Oh, okay. I guess I am just not that hungry tonight.†She smiled sheepishly as she set down her fork and any pretense of enjoying her food.
“Let’s go then, the check taken care of, so we can take our time tonight.â€
She smiled timidly again and grabbed her wrap and black, beaded bag. He fluidly rose from his seat and offered her his hand/
“Where would you like to walk to?†Kade, again, toned down his wolf and waited for Melanie’s reply.
“Our room?â€
Her face was still stunning with the shade of beet red it became at her surprising, yet not unwelcome, announcement.
His wolf growled in agreement and preened for attention.
He gave her a smile that promised sinful and wicked deeds.
“That sounds like an outstanding idea, Melanie.â€